Dry Needling involves inserting a tiny, monofilament needle in a muscle or group of muscles in order to release shortened muscle bands, increase blood flow, decrease referred pain and decrease trigger point activity. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing. Dry Needling is safe and often an effective technique for patients with certain musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Dry Needling is performed by a skilled, trained physical therapist, certified in the technique.
Dry Needling is not traditional Chinese Acupuncture, but is instead a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. It is based off Western medicine and is rarely a stand-alone procedure. It is typically part of a broader physical therapy treatment approach incorporating other traditional physical therapy interventions. Dry Needling can be used for a wide variety of musculoskeletal issues such as shoulder, neck, elbow, knee, hip, and low back pain.
We offer Dry Needling at all of our locations in the Physical Therapy Department. While research indicates Dry Needling is a safe and effective approach for treating and managing pain, most insurances will not reimburse for the procedure. There is an additional $20 out-of-pocket charge that will not be covered by your insurance to help cover the cost of supplies and the treatment. This fee will be collected at the time of service.